Archive | August 2023

New: Adoption History Website

My friend and fellow adoption and human rights activist Janine Myung Ja (of Vance Twins) has just published her new website: Adoption History.

“Janine’s work also includes an anthology of diverse yet unified Korean adoptee voices and an empowering book that recognizes the inherent human rights all people should have—including adopted people who are deprived of their roots caused by the permanent separation involved because of adoption. [She] is a proponent of the human-rights-based investigational agency, Against Child Trafficking (ACT), Europe. As a director of ACT in the USA, Janine launched the first Adoption Trafficking Awareness Symposium, which brought attention to the intersection between child trafficking and international adoption. As a writing consultant, her professional mission is to contribute to protecting local and global families from exploitation with information that gives a bird’s-eye view, a deep-dive into the history of the practice and also considers the adopted child into their elder years, families separated by adoption and parent of loss.”

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